OnlyMonster Menu Bar
This article highlights the OnlyMonster Menu Bar - menu items, their features, navigation and hotkeys for macOS and Windows.
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This article highlights the OnlyMonster Menu Bar - menu items, their features, navigation and hotkeys for macOS and Windows.
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The menu is located at the top of the screen.
About OnlyMonsterBrowser: View the application version and developer information.
Services: Access to macOS system services.
Hide OnlyMonsterBrowser: Hide the current application window. Hotkeys: ⌘ + H
Hide Others: Hide all other application windows. Hotkeys: ⌘ + ⌥ + H
Show All: Show all hidden windows.
Quit OnlyMonsterBrowser: Exit the application. Hotkeys: ⌘ + Q
Open Tab: Open a new tab. Hotkeys: ⌘ + T
Open Location: Go to the specified URL. Hotkeys: ⌘ + L
Close: Close the current tab. Hotkeys: ⌘ + W
Duplicate Tab: Create a duplicate of the current tab. Hotkeys: ⌘ + D
New Creator Window: Hover the cursor, and select the creator whose page needs to be opened in a new window.
Close Window: Close the current window. Hotkeys: ⌘ + ⌥ + W
Close Creator Session: Close the session of the selected creator from the list.
Go Back/Go Forward: Navigate backward or forward in the browsing history. Hotkeys: ⌘ + [ / ⌘ + ]
Next Tab/Previous Tab: Switch between open tabs. Hotkeys: ⌘ + ⇧ + → / ⌘ + ⇧ + ←
Switch Tab: Jump to a specific tab 1 up to 9 Hotkeys: ⌘ + 1…9
Subscriptions: New subscriber notifications.
Purchased Messages: New purchase notifications.
Tips: New tip notifications.
New Fans Messages: New fans messages notifications.
(See OnlyMonster documentation for details)
Undo/Redo: Undo or redo a text in the typing field. Hotkeys: ⌘ + Z / ⌘ + ⇧ + Z
Cut/Copy/Paste: Cut, copy, or paste text/elements. Hotkeys: ⌘ + X / ⌘ + C / ⌘ + V
Select All: Select all text in the text box. Hotkeys: ⌘ + A
Find: Search for text on the page. Hotkeys: ⌘ + F
AutoFill: Auto-fill forms with saved data.
Emoji & Symbols: Insert emojis or special characters. Hotkeys: Fn + E
Zoom In/Zoom Out: Increase or decrease the page zoom. Hotkeys: ⌘ + "+" / ⌘ + "–"
Reload Page: Reload the current page. Hotkeys: ⌘ + R
Toggle Sidebar: Show or hide the sidebar. Hotkeys: ⌘ + ⇧ + L
Actual Size: Reset the zoom to the default size. Hotkeys: ⌘ + 0
(For more details please check the Article).
Check for Application Updates: Check whether a new application version is available.
Clear AppData: to resolve issues or free up space.
Fill: Make the window full-screen.
Center: Center the window on the screen.
Move & Resize: Change the window's position and size.
Full-Screen Tile: Expand the window to full screen. Hotkeys: ⌘ + Ctrl + F
Minimize: Minimize the window to the Dock. Hotkeys: ⌘ + M
Bring All to Front: Bring all application windows to the front.
Visit OnlyMonsterBrowser: Visit the website.
OnlyMoster Help: Navigate to OnlyMonster Docs.
Privacy policy: Check the Privacy Policy.
The menu opens by right-clicking on the Monster icon.
Open Tab: Open a new tab. Hotkeys: Ctrl + T
Open Location: Go to the specified URL. Hotkeys: Ctrl + L
Close: Close the current tab. Hotkeys: Ctrl + W
Duplicate Tab: Create a duplicate of the current tab. Hotkeys: Ctrl + Shift + D
New Creator Window: Hover the cursor, and select the creator whose page needs to be opened in a new window.
Close Window: Close the current window. Hotkeys: Ctrl + Shift + W
Close Creator Session: Close the session of the current creator.
Go Back/Go Forward: Navigate backward or forward in the browsing history. Hotkeys: Ctrl + ← / Ctrl + →
Next Tab/Previous Tab: Switch between open tabs. Hotkeys: Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Switch Tab: Jump to a specific tab 1 up to 9 Hotkeys: Ctrl + 1…9
Subscriptions: New subscriber notifications.
Purchased Messages: New purchase notifications.
Tips: New tip notifications.
New Fans Messages: New fan message notifications
(See OnlyMonster documentation for details)
Undo/Redo: Undo or redo a text in chat Hotkeys: Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Shift + Z
Cut/Copy/Paste: Cut, copy, or paste text/elements. Hotkeys: Ctrl + X / Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V
Select All: Select all text in the text box. Hotkeys: Ctrl + A
Find: Search for text on the page. Hotkeys: Ctrl + F
AutoFill: Auto-fill forms with saved data.
Emoji & Symbols: Insert emojis or special characters. Hotkeys: Win + >
Zoom In/Zoom Out: Increase or decrease the page zoom. Hotkeys: Ctrl + "+" / Ctrl + "–"
Reload Page: Reload the current page. Hotkeys: Ctrl + R
Toggle Sidebar: Show or hide the sidebar. Hotkeys: Ctrl + Shift + L
Actual Size: Reset the zoom to the default size. Hotkeys: Ctrl + 0
(For more details please check the Article).
Check for Application Updates: Check whether a new application version is available.
Clear AppData: to resolve issues or free up space.
Visit OnlyMonsterBrowser: Visit the website
OnlyMoster Help: Navigate to OnlyMonster Docs.
Privacy policy: Check the Privacy Policy.